Warren Buffett 股神華倫巴菲特



A man gets up at six in the morning, prepares breakfast, packs a lunch, gets in his car and drives to the office just like he’s done every day for over half a century. He lives in a mid-sized, five-bedroom house, bought for a modest $31,500 in 1958, when homes were still affordable. Sound unusual? Not really. But here’s where the story gets interesting. In 2007, this same man pledges $30.7 billion to charity, making it the largest single donation in history. Who is this person? He’s Warren Buffett. Called the “Oracle of Omaha,” he breaks the mold when it comes to business tycoons.

Warren Buffett was born on August 30th, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. As a boy, he worked in his grandfather’s corner store, running the cash register, stocking shelves and keeping the front sidewalk swept clean. It was during this time that young Warren started to cut his teeth in business. In 1943, at the age of 13, he filled out his first income tax return, deducting his watch and bicycle as business expenses for his paper route. Two years later, Warren pooled his savings with a classmate to buy a pinball machine. Placing it inside a neighborhood barbershop, he embarked on what would prove to be one of the most lucrative investing careers of our era, or any other. A little over 60 years later, Warren Buffett would be worth $62 billion. He’d also be the richest person in the world.



charity (n.) 慈善,慈善事業
donation (n.) 捐獻,捐款
expense (n.) 支出,開支
embark (on) (v.) 開始,著手進行


本文取材自《歷史名人堂Hall of Fame:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊




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