

At Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans

Nathan: Could you recommend an appetizer?
Waiter: The Oysters Rockefeller is excellent.
Nathan: Why is it called Oysters Rockefeller?
Waiter: Because the sauce is rich as a Rockfeller! The oysters are topped with herb butter sauce and then baked.
Nathan: Sounds good. I’ll take that.
Waiter: Of course. Would you like soup or salad?
Nathan: What’s in the Gumbo Creole?
Waiter: Gulf shrimp, blue crab and oysters.
Nathan: OK, I’ll have that. And for my main course I’d like the Pompano Pontchartrain.
Waiter: Very good, sir.

納 坦:你能推薦開胃菜嗎?
納 坦:為什麼它叫洛克菲勒式焗烤牡蠣?
服務生:因為它的醬料就跟洛克菲勒一樣濃郁(註:rich 為雙關語,也有「富裕」的意思,洛克斐勒為美國二十世紀初石油大王)。牡蠣上面淋上香料奶油醬汁後再焗烤。
納 坦:聽起來不錯,我要這道菜。
納 坦:凱郡大雜燴濃湯裡有什麼?
納 坦:好,我要這道。主菜我要龐恰特雷恩湖金鯧魚。

At K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen in New Orleans
在紐奧良的 K-Paul’s 路易西安納廚房裡

Leon: Here, try the gumbo.
Vicky: Mmm, it’s really good. It’s much darker than the gumbo I had before, and there’s no shrimp.
Leon: That’s ’cause it’s Cajun gumbo. It’s got chicken and sausage, and it’s dark ’cause it’s made with dark roux, which uses fat instead of butter.
Vicky: It’s spicier too.
Leon: Yeah, that’s the cayenne pepper. If you want it even spicier you can add some Tabasco Sauce. We call it “Cajun ketchup.”
Vicky: Ha, it’s spicy enough. This shrimp dish is delicious too.
Leon: That’s actually crawfish, crawfish étouffée.
Vicky: What does étouffée mean?
Leon: It means smother, ’cause they smother the crawfish in a covered pan.

里 昂:來嚐嚐大雜燴濃湯。
薇 琪:嗯,很好喝。顏色比我之前喝的大雜燴濃湯還深,而且沒有蝦。
里 昂:因為這是凱郡風味的大雜燴濃湯,裡面有雞肉和香腸,顏色較深是因為用了炒到微焦的麵粉糊,而且用脂肪代替奶油。
薇 琪:這也比較辣。
里 昂:對,裡面加了卡宴辣椒,如果想要再辣一點,可以加一點塔巴斯哥辣醬。我們都叫它「凱郡番茄醬」。
薇 琪:哈,它已經夠辣了。這道有蝦的菜也很好吃。
里 昂:那其實是小龍蝦,étouffée小龍蝦。
薇 琪:étouffée是什麼意思?
里 昂:悶的意思,因為他們把小龍蝦放在有蓋的鍋子裡燜熟。

appetizer (n.) 開胃菜
gulf (n.) 海灣
smother (v.) 悶燒,使窒息

本文取材自《開口吃遍USA 美國食用英語:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊(1書1MP3)




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