什麼!sweet tooth竟然不是指「嘴巴很甜」?關於”HAVE” 你不可不知的8個用法!

1.Bill has a sweet tooth.

“sweet tooth”如果不是指嘴巴很甜、很會講話,那會是指什麼?其實“Bill has a sweet tooth.”是指Bill很喜歡吃零食、餅乾等甜食啦!

【Dictionary.com對“sweet tooth”的解釋】

a liking or craving for candy and other sweets.

2.Susan has a heart of gold.

當我們說某人 has a heart of gold,指的是那個人天性慷慨、善良。

【Dictionary.com對“heart of gold”的解釋】

A very kind and good nature, as in Bill is very generous; he has a heart of gold.

3.John has a good head on his shoulders.


【Dictionary.com對“good head on one’s shoulders”的解釋】

Be intelligent or shrewd; have good sense or good judgment.

4.Angela has her hands full.

這句話指的是Angela很忙,所以如果你想跟別人說你很忙,你可以說”I have my hands full.”

5.Steven has eyes in the back of his head.


【Dictionary.com對“eyes in the back of one’s head”的解釋】

Be more aware of what is happening than is generally realized.

6.Barbara has a big mouth.

這句話指的是Barbara喜歡聊閒話、八卦,是個藏不住祕密的人。所以如果你想說某人是個大嘴巴、藏不住祕密,就可以說”He/She has a big mouth.”

7.Mark has a green thumb.


【Dictionary.com對“green thumb”的解釋】

An exceptional aptitude for gardening or for growing plants.

8.Julia has her head in the clouds.

這句話指的是Julia神遊了,完全不專心!或是也可以說”Julia is not paying attention.”例如某人上課時神遊了,我們就可以用這種說法。

