【睡覺 英文字彙集合】做夢、小睡片刻、打呼、輾轉難眠…英文怎麼說?和睡著(sleep)有關的十個單字!


「睡覺」一共佔了人生三分之一的時間,而人的睡眠有時會做夢(dream)、有時可能失眠(sleepless),熟睡(fast asleep)的話甚至還會打呼(snore)!


1. words

(1) Nap 小睡片刻
(2) Dream 作夢
(3) Bedroom eyes 睡眼惺忪
(4) Pillow talk 枕邊細語
(5) Sleepless 失眠的
(6) Wide awake 完全醒著的
(7) Insomnia 失眠
(8) Toss and turn 輾轉難眠、翻來覆去
(9) Nightmare 夢魘
(10) Snore 打呼

2. sentences

(1) Mr. E _____ ______ in front of the boring teacher.  Mr. E在這位無聊的老師面前打盹。
(2) I was worried about the test, so I _____ _____ _____ all night long. 我很擔心這場考試,所以我整晚都翻來覆去睡不著。
(3) The baby was _____ _____ and we couldn’t wake him up. 小寶寶正在熟睡,我們叫不醒他。
(4) I need a quick rest and I’ll be good. I’m taking a 20 minute _____. 我需要休息一下就會好了。我要小睡個二十分鐘。
(5) Your _____ keeps me up at night. 你的打呼聲讓我整晚都睡不著。

3. answers

(1) dozed off 打盹
(2) tossed and turned
(3) fast asleep 熟睡
(4) nap
(5) snoring 打呼

4. sleep vs. asleep

(1) sleep (n.) (v.) (adj.) go to bed 睡覺
(2) asleep (adv.) (adj.) unconscious 不自覺地睡著
(3) fast asleep 熟睡的狀態
